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Read the passage carefully and then choose the best answer to each question. Answer the

question based upon what is stated or implied in the reading passage.

In Ursula LeGuin’s short story “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas,” everyone in the

city of Omelas is happy—everyone, that is, except the child who is kept locked in a

basement closet. The child is left entirely alone and neglected except for occasional visits

from the citizens of Omelas. They come at a certain age as a rite of initiation, to learn the

secret of the happiness they enjoy. They come to learn that their happiness has a price: the

suffering of an innocent child. In the end, most people stay in Omelas; but a few, unable to

bear the fact that they are responsible for the suffering of that child, reject this utopia built

upon a utilitarian morality.

Utilitarianism is an ethical theory based upon the belief that happiness is the ultimate good

and that people should use happiness as the measure for determining right and wrong. For

utilitarian, the right thing to do is that which will bring about the greatest amount of

happiness for the greatest number of people. Furthermore, utilitarianism argues that the

intention of people’s actions does not matter; only the consequences of their actions are

morally relevant, because only the consequences determine how much happiness is


Although many useful social policies and much legislation are founded on this “greatest

good” philosophy, utilitarianism can be problematic as a basis for morality. First,

happiness is not so easy to quantify, and any measurement is bound to be subjective.

Second, in a theory that treats everything except happiness as instrumentally rather than

intrinsically valuable, anything—or, more importantly, anyone—can (and should) be treated

as a means to an end, if it means greater happiness. This rejects the notion that human

beings have their own intrinsic value. Further, utilitarianism puts the burden of the

happiness of the masses on the suffering of the few. Is the happiness of many worth the

suffering of a few? Why do those few deserve to suffer? Isn’t this burden of suffering

morally irresponsible? This is the dilemma so brilliantly illustrated in LeGuin’s story.

Which of the following best sums up the author’s opinion of utilitarianism?

A. It is an ethical theory.

B. It is the ethical theory that people should all live by.

C. It is a useful but problematic ethical theory.

D. It does not adequately measure happiness.

E. It underestimates the intrinsic value of human beings.

Answer: C



The author is critical of utilitarianism, but she also includes evidence that it is a useful theory.

LeGuin’s story, for example, shows how the sacrifice of one can create the happiness of many.

The author also notes that “many useful social policies and much legislation are founded on”

utilitarianism, demonstrating that it is a useful ethical theory. The word choice throughout also

indicates that the author feels that this ethical theory has both positive and negative aspects. For

example, she calls it “problematic,” but not “wrongheaded” or “faulty.” She calls the problem of the

suffering of the few for the happiness of the many a “dilemma,” not a “flaw” or “failure.” She asks

questions ratherthan making statements about the immorality of utilitarian choices. Choice a is

incorrect because it simply states a fact from the essay; it does not express an opinion. The author

clearly states that “there are several serious problems with utilitarianism as a basis for morality,”

so choice b is incorrect. Although the statements in choices d and e are true and clearly stated in

the text, these are specific criticisms of utilitarianism and do not sum up the author’s opinion of this

ethical theory.


Read each passage carefully and then choose the best answer to each question. Answer

the questions based upon what is stated or implied in the reading passage.

For many years, there has been much hand-wringing over the fate of Social Security once

the baby boomers reach retirement age. Baby boomers, people born between 1946 and

1964, represent the largest single sustained growth of population in the history of the

United States. It is the sheer enormity of this generation that has had economists worried

as retirement beckons. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, by 2020, an estimated

80,000,000 Americans will have reached or surpassed the conventional age of retirement.

With so many boomers retiring and drawing benefits but no longer paying into Social


Security, many fear that the Social Security fund itself could go bankrupt.

However, a study released by the American Association for Retired Persons (AARP) that

examined baby boomers’ plans for retirement found that for the most part, this generation

is not expected to adhere to the conventional retirement scheme, a fact that may please the

worriers in Washington, DC.

In its survey, the AARP broke baby boomers into different categories based on their

financial standing, degree of preparedness for retirement, and optimism toward the future.

The AARP found that of all groups surveyed, only 13% planned to stop working altogether

once they reached retirement age; the remaining 87% planned to continue working for pay.

The reasons to continue working varied among the different groups. For some, the plan to

continue working is a financial decision. Between 25% and 44% of respondents reported

they are not financially prepared to retire and will therefore continue working past

retirement age. For the remainder of those planning to work past their mid to late 60s, the

decision is based on long-held goals to start a business and/or the desire to stay active in

their industry or community.

Eventually, most baby boomers will need to stop working as they progress into their 70s,

80s, and beyond. But with such large numbers planning to continue working, thereby

continuing to pay into the Social Security fund, perhaps Social Security will be able to

withstand the end of the baby boom and continue to be a safety net for future generations.

It can be inferred from the AARP survey results that

A. many baby boomers do not have adequate savings.

B. many baby boomers are afraid of retirement.

C. most baby boomers are unaware of the actual cost of retirement.

D. few baby boomers are realistic about their retirement goals.

E. politicians do not understand the baby boom generation.

Answer: A


The survey found that a quarter to nearly a half of all respondents planned to keep working

because “they are not financially prepared to retire.” This suggests that many baby boomers do

not have adequate savings. Nothing in the survey results suggests a fear of retirement (choice b).

Also, nothing in the passage suggests that baby boomers are unaware of the cost of retirement

(choice c).

The passage does not assess how realistic baby boomers’ goals are (choice d) and makes no

reference to politicians (choice e) other than the vague “worriers in Washington,” a group that

could include economists, lobbyists, and many other kinds of people.



The Florida panther, known for its distinctive characteristics, including a kinked tail and

cowlicks, is nearing extinction with the help of scientists and government officials. Though

once abundant in Florida, by the end of the twentieth century, only approximately 30

Florida panthers remained. Efforts to preserve the panthers had focused on shielding them

from human encroachment with the hope that they could develop sustainable numbers to

survive as a species. However, pressure from development caused officials to grow

impatient and shift their strategy and goals.

In 1995, new breeds of female panthers were brought to Florida from Texas to bolster the

population. The change has been dramatic. In 1990, 88% of the panthers in Florida had the

distinct kinked tail. By 2000, five years after the introduction of the Texas panthers, not a

single kitten born to the Texas females had a kinked tail. The breed known as the Florida

panther is now on an expedited, ineluctable road to extinction—with the assistance of

wildlife protection agencies.

If the goal was to have any kind of panther in Florida, it has been realized. Since the

introduction of the Texas panthers, the panther population in Florida has risen to

approximately 80 mixed-breed panthers. However, this “success” could portend a tragic

trend in wildlife management in the United States. We cannot and should not create

genetically mixed species as a means of achieving a compromise between the needs of

development and a species’ survival. This type of species tampering is a perversion of the

ideal of wildlife management and will irrevocably transform our national landscape.

The primary goal of this passage is to

A. demonstrate the fragility of an endangered species.

B. demonstrate the importance of effective wildlife management.

C. argue that mixing species to ensure a species’ survival is wrong.

D. demonstrate the effectiveness of mixing species.

E. limit development in areas with endangered species.

Answer: C


Although the passage does demonstrate the fragility of an endangered species (choice a) and the

importance of effective wildlife management (choice b), the main goal is to argue that mixing

species is the wrong way to attempt to preserve an endangered species. This is expressed clearly

in the final paragraph: “We cannot and should not create genetically mixed species as a means of

achieving a compromise between the needs of development and a species’ survival.” The

passage does show that the mixing of species was successful (choice d), but the passage

criticizes this point. The author is critical of land development in areas with specific endangered


species, but this is not the focus of the passage, so choice e is incorrect.


The Florida panther, known for its distinctive characteristics, including a kinked tail and

cowlicks, is nearing extinction with the help of scientists and government officials. Though

once abundant in Florida, by the end of the twentieth century, only approximately 30

Florida panthers remained. Efforts to preserve the panthers had focused on shielding them

from human encroachment with the hope that they could develop sustainable numbers to

survive as a species. However, pressure from development caused officials to grow

impatient and shift their strategy and goals.

In 1995, new breeds of female panthers were brought to Florida from Texas to bolster the

population. The change has been dramatic. In 1990, 88% of the panthers in Florida had the

distinct kinked tail. By 2000, five years after the introduction of the Texas panthers, not a

single kitten born to the Texas females had a kinked tail. The breed known as the Florida

panther is now on an expedited, ineluctable road to extinction—with the assistance of

wildlife protection agencies.

If the goal was to have any kind of panther in Florida, it has been realized. Since the

introduction of the Texas panthers, the panther population in Florida has risen to

approximately 80 mixed-breed panthers. However, this “success” could portend a tragic

trend in wildlife management in the United States. We cannot and should not create

genetically mixed species as a means of achieving a compromise between the needs of

development and a species’ survival. This type of species tampering is a perversion of the

ideal of wildlife management and will irrevocably transform our national landscape.

The author supports the central idea of this passage primarily by

A. contrasting the Florida panther with the Texas panther.

B. showing how interbreeding has destroyed the Florida panther species.

C. attacking government wildlife protection policies.

D. showing how human encroachment has depleted Florida’s panther population.

E. describing the history of panthers in the United States.

Answer: B


The main idea of the passage is that efforts to preserve species through interbreeding will only

backfire, pushing a particular endangered species farther down the road to extinction. The


passage’s statistics show how the interbreeding has accomplished this in the case of the Florida

panther. The Texas panther is not described, so choice a is incorrect. The author does not attack

general wildlife protection policies—indeed, no policies are mentioned, only the specific handling

of this panther population— so choice c is incorrect. Human encroachment was a main threat to

the panthers (choice d), but the author did not discuss how encroachment harmed the species.

Only a brief history of panthers in Florida is provided, so choice e is incorrect.


Read the passage carefully and then choose the best answer to each question. Answer the

question based upon what is stated or implied in the reading passage.

In Ursula LeGuin’s short story “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas,” everyone in the

city of Omelas is happy—everyone, that is, except the child who is kept locked in a

basement closet. The child is left entirely alone and neglected except for occasional visits

from the citizens of Omelas. They come at a certain age as a rite of initiation, to learn the

secret of the happiness they enjoy. They come to learn that their happiness has a price: the

suffering of an innocent child. In the end, most people stay in Omelas; but a few, unable to

bear the fact that they are responsible for the suffering of that child, reject this utopia built

upon a utilitarian morality.

Utilitarianism is an ethical theory based upon the belief that happiness is the ultimate good

and that people should use happiness as the measure for determining right and wrong. For

utilitarian, the right thing to do is that which will bring about the greatest amount of

happiness for the greatest number of people. Furthermore, utilitarianism argues that the

intention of people’s actions does not matter; only the consequences of their actions are

morally relevant, because only the consequences determine how much happiness is


Although many useful social policies and much legislation are founded on this “greatest

good” philosophy, utilitarianism can be problematic as a basis for morality. First,

happiness is not so easy to quantify, and any measurement is bound to be subjective.

Second, in a theory that treats everything except happiness as instrumentally rather than

intrinsically valuable, anything—or, more importantly, anyone—can (and should) be treated

as a means to an end, if it means greater happiness. This rejects the notion that human

beings have their own intrinsic value. Further, utilitarianism puts the burden of the

happiness of the masses on the suffering of the few. Is the happiness of many worth the

suffering of a few? Why do those few deserve to suffer? Isn’t this burden of suffering

morally irresponsible? This is the dilemma so brilliantly illustrated in LeGuin’s story.

From the author’s summary of LeGuin’s story, the reader can infer that

A. most people in Omelas areutilitarian.

B. most people in Omelas reject utilitarianism.


C. everyone in Omelas is happy.

D. the child willingly sacrifices himself for others.

E. LeGuin is a popular science-fiction writer.

Answer: A


The author states that “most people stay in Omelas” after they have visited the child. This

indicates that they understand and have accepted the utilitarian nature of their society. Only a few

walk away and reject the society, so choice b is incorrect. The summary clearly states that

everyone except the child and the ones who are “unable to bear the fact that they are responsible

for the suffering of that child” are happy, so choice c is incorrect. No evidence indicates that the

child willingly sacrifices himself for others(choice d). The passage makes no reference to LeGuin’s

popularity or success as a science-fiction writer, so choice e is incorrect.


Read each passage carefully and then choose the best answer to each question. Answer

the questions based upon what is stated or implied in the reading passage.

For many years, there has been much hand-wringing over the fate of Social Security once

the baby boomers reach retirement age. Baby boomers, people born between 1946 and

1964, represent the largest single sustained growth of population in the history of the

United States. It is the sheer enormity of this generation that has had economists worried

as retirement beckons. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, by 2020, an estimated

80,000,000 Americans will have reached or surpassed the conventional age of retirement.

With so many boomers retiring and drawing benefits but no longer paying into Social

Security, many fear that the Social Security fund itself could go bankrupt.

However, a study released by the American Association for Retired Persons (AARP) that

examined baby boomers’ plans for retirement found that for the most part, this generation

is not expected to adhere to the conventional retirement scheme, a fact that may please the

worriers in Washington, DC.

In its survey, the AARP broke baby boomers into different categories based on their

financial standing, degree of preparedness for retirement, and optimism toward the future.

The AARP found that of all groups surveyed, only 13% planned to stop working altogether

once they reached retirement age; the remaining 87% planned to continue working for pay.

The reasons to continue working varied among the different groups. For some, the plan to

continue working is a financial decision. Between 25% and 44% of respondents reported

they are not financially prepared to retire and will therefore continue working past

retirement age. For the remainder of those planning to work past their mid to late 60s, the

decision is based on long-held goals to start a business and/or the desire to stay active in

their industry or community.

Eventually, most baby boomers will need to stop working as they progress into their 70s,

80s, and beyond. But with such large numbers planning to continue working, thereby

continuing to pay into the Social Security fund, perhaps Social Security will be able to

withstand the end of the baby boom and continue to be a safety net for future generations.

According to the author, baby boomers are not likely to bankrupt the Social Security fund

primarily because

A. the government has raised the official age for retirement.

B. most baby boomers are financially prepared for retirement.

C. most baby boomers plan to work past retirement age.


D. most baby boomers are active in their communities.

E. most baby boomers will not need supplemental income.

Answer: C


The AARP study cited in the third paragraph reveals that 87% of the baby boomers surveyed

“planned to continue working for pay” once they reach retirement age. The passage does not state

that the government raised the retirement age (choice a). Choices b and e are incorrect because

the AARP survey also notes that “between 25% and 44% of respondents reported they are not

financially prepared to retire,” which means they will need supplemental income. A desire to

remain active in their community (choice d) is one of the reasons many baby boomers will

continue to work, but it is the fact that they will continue to work (not why they will continue to

work) that allays the fear of a bankrupt system.


Read the passage carefully and then choose the best answer to each question. Answer the

question based upon what is stated or implied in the reading passage.

In Ursula LeGuin’s short story “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas,” everyone in the

city of Omelas is happy—everyone, that is, except the child who is kept locked in a

basement closet. The child is left entirely alone and neglected except for occasional visits

from the citizens of Omelas. They come at a certain age as a rite of initiation, to learn the

secret of the happiness they enjoy. They come to learn that their happiness has a price: the

suffering of an innocent child. In the end, most people stay in Omelas; but a few, unable to

bear the fact that they are responsible for the suffering of that child, reject this utopia built

upon a utilitarian morality.

Utilitarianism is an ethical theory based upon the belief that happiness is the ultimate good

and that people should use happiness as the measure for determining right and wrong. For

utilitarian, the right thing to do is that which will bring about the greatest amount of


happiness for the greatest number of people. Furthermore, utilitarianism argues that the

intention of people’s actions does not matter; only the consequences of their actions are

morally relevant, because only the consequences determine how much happiness is


Although many useful social policies and much legislation are founded on this “greatest

good” philosophy, utilitarianism can be problematic as a basis for morality. First,

happiness is not so easy to quantify, and any measurement is bound to be subjective.

Second, in a theory that treats everything except happiness as instrumentally rather than

intrinsically valuable, anything—or, more importantly, anyone—can (and should) be treated

as a means to an end, if it means greater happiness. This rejects the notion that human

beings have their own intrinsic value. Further, utilitarianism puts the burden of the

happiness of the masses on the suffering of the few. Is the happiness of many worth the

suffering of a few? Why do those few deserve to suffer? Isn’t this burden of suffering

morally irresponsible? This is the dilemma so brilliantly illustrated in LeGuin’s story.

The author summarizes LeGuin’s story primarily to

A. show how good the story is.

B. get readers interested in the story.

C. illustratesthe power of words.

D. illustratesthe central problem with utilitarianism.

E. illustratesa utilitarian utopia.

Answer: D


LeGuin’s story illustrates the problem with utilitarianism by describing how one person (the child)

lives in misery so that others can be happy. The author explains that “utilitarianism puts the burden

of the happiness of the masses on the suffering of the few” and then states that this problem is “so

brilliantly illustrated in LeGuin’s story.”Choice is incorrect because the author does not comment

on or make any inferences about the overall quality of the story; she only comments on it in

relation to its demonstration of the dilemma of utilitarianism.Readers may be interested in the story

after reading this passage (choice b), but again, the purpose of including the story is made evident

by the last sentence in the passage. The author does not quote directly from the story, and she is

clearly not summarizing it to illustrate the power of words, so choice c is incorrect.


Read each passage carefully and then choose the best answer to each question. Answer

the questions based upon what is stated or implied in the reading passage.

For many years, there has been much hand-wringing over the fate of Social Security once

the baby boomers reach retirement age. Baby boomers, people born between 1946 and

1964, represent the largest single sustained growth of population in the history of the

United States. It is the sheer enormity of this generation that has had economists worried

as retirement beckons. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, by 2020, an estimated

80,000,000 Americans will have reached or surpassed the conventional age of retirement.

With so many boomers retiring and drawing benefits but no longer paying into Social

Security, many fear that the Social Security fund itself could go bankrupt.

However, a study released by the American Association for Retired Persons (AARP) that

examined baby boomers’ plans for retirement found that for the most part, this generation

is not expected to adhere to the conventional retirement scheme, a fact that may please the

worriers in Washington, DC.

In its survey, the AARP broke baby boomers into different categories based on their

financial standing, degree of preparedness for retirement, and optimism toward the future.

The AARP found that of all groups surveyed, only 13% planned to stop working altogether

once they reached retirement age; the remaining 87% planned to continue working for pay.

The reasons to continue working varied among the different groups. For some, the plan to

continue working is a financial decision. Between 25% and 44% of respondents reported

they are not financially prepared to retire and will therefore continue working past

retirement age. For the remainder of those planning to work past their mid to late 60s, the


decision is based on long-held goals to start a business and/or the desire to stay active in

their industry or community.

Eventually, most baby boomers will need to stop working as they progress into their 70s,

80s, and beyond. But with such large numbers planning to continue working, thereby

continuing to pay into the Social Security fund, perhaps Social Security will be able to

withstand the end of the baby boom and continue to be a safety net for future generations.

The author cites statistics from the AARP survey primarily to

A. supportsthe assertion that baby boomers are the largest group of retirees in U.S. history.

B. show that baby boomers will not retire en masse as feared.

C. suggeststhat better financial planning is needed for the elderly.

D. show how optimistic baby boomers are about their future.

E. show the correlation between retirement age and optimism.

Answer: B


The survey statistics demonstrate that most baby boomers will keep working, so the Social

Security system will not encounter a sudden massive strain as baby boomers reach the retirement

age. Choice a is incorrect because although the number of baby boomers is cited (80,000,000), no

other figure is cited in comparison. One statistic from the survey suggests that many baby

boomers have not planned well for retirement (choice c), but several other statistics are also cited,

so this cannot be the main purpose.

The passage states that the survey was designed in part to measure baby boomers’ optimism

(choice d), but the passage does not cite results of questions in that category. Choice e is

incorrect for the same reason.


The Florida panther, known for its distinctive characteristics, including a kinked tail and

cowlicks, is nearing extinction with the help of scientists and government officials. Though

once abundant in Florida, by the end of the twentieth century, only approximately 30

Florida panthers remained. Efforts to preserve the panthers had focused on shielding them

from human encroachment with the hope that they could develop sustainable numbers to

survive as a species. However, pressure from development caused officials to grow

impatient and shift their strategy and goals.

In 1995, new breeds of female panthers were brought to Florida from Texas to bolster the

population. The change has been dramatic. In 1990, 88% of the panthers in Florida had the

distinct kinked tail. By 2000, five years after the introduction of the Texas panthers, not a

single kitten born to the Texas females had a kinked tail. The breed known as the Florida

panther is now on an expedited, ineluctable road to extinction—with the assistance of

wildlife protection agencies.

If the goal was to have any kind of panther in Florida, it has been realized. Since the

introduction of the Texas panthers, the panther population in Florida has risen to

approximately 80 mixed-breed panthers. However, this “success” could portend a tragic

trend in wildlife management in the United States. We cannot and should not create

genetically mixed species as a means of achieving a compromise between the needs of

development and a species’ survival. This type of species tampering is a perversion of the

ideal of wildlife management and will irrevocably transform our national landscape.

It can be inferred from the passage that

A. extinction is preferable to mixing species.

B. wildlife protection and development are completely incompatible.

C. wildlife protection agencies are in the pocket of development corporations.

D. scientist and government officials are equally disappointed with the results of the experiment.

E. thereisalternatives to interbreeding, but they take longer.

Answer: E



The end of the first paragraph provides the clue to this answer. The Texas panther was introduced

because “pressure from development caused officials to grow impatient and shift their strategies

and goals.” This suggests that interbreeding was brought in as a quick fix so that the panther

population could grow quickly and development in the area could be approved once the population

was stabilized.

The author is clearly against interbreeding, but nothing indicates that the author would prefer

extinction (choice a). The passage suggests that wildlife protection and development are often in

con-flict, but does not suggest that they are incompatible (choice b). Development corporations

pressured officials to act quickly, but the author does not state that wildlife protection agencies are

in the pocket of development corporations (choice c). Nothing suggests how government officials

feel about the results of the interbreeding, so choice d is also incorrect.


Read each passage carefully and then choose the best answer to each question. Answer

the questions based upon what is stated or implied in the reading passage.

For many years, there has been much hand-wringing over the fate of Social Security once

the baby boomers reach retirement age. Baby boomers, people born between 1946 and

1964, represent the largest single sustained growth of population in the history of the


United States. It is the sheer enormity of this generation that has had economists worried

as retirement beckons. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, by 2020, an estimated

80,000,000 Americans will have reached or surpassed the conventional age of retirement.

With so many boomers retiring and drawing benefits but no longer paying into Social

Security, many fear that the Social Security fund itself could go bankrupt.

However, a study released by the American Association for Retired Persons (AARP) that

examined baby boomers’ plans for retirement found that for the most part, this generation

is not expected to adhere to the conventional retirement scheme, a fact that may please the

worriers in Washington, DC.

In its survey, the AARP broke baby boomers into different categories based on their

financial standing, degree of preparedness for retirement, and optimism toward the future.

The AARP found that of all groups surveyed, only 13% planned to stop working altogether

once they reached retirement age; the remaining 87% planned to continue working for pay.

The reasons to continue working varied among the different groups. For some, the plan to

continue working is a financial decision. Between 25% and 44% of respondents reported

they are not financially prepared to retire and will therefore continue working past

retirement age. For the remainder of those planning to work past their mid to late 60s, the

decision is based on long-held goals to start a business and/or the desire to stay active in

their industry or community.

Eventually, most baby boomers will need to stop working as they progress into their 70s,

80s, and beyond. But with such large numbers planning to continue working, thereby

continuing to pay into the Social Security fund, perhaps Social Security will be able to

withstand the end of the baby boom and continue to be a safety net for future generations.

Which of the following titles would be most appropriate for this passage?

A. The AARP and Social Security

B. Baby Boomers Bankrupt Social Security

C. Baby Boomers Will Work for PaybeyondRetirement

D. Worries about Social Security May Be Unfounded

E. Economists Fear Baby Boomers’ Impact on Social Security

Answer: D


This choice offers the best title for the passage, which explains why the “worriers in Washington”

may have nothing to fear after all. Choice a is incorrect because the passage is not about the

relationship between the AARP and Social Security or the AARP’s position on Social Security

issues. Choice b is incorrect because the passage actually argues the opposite: that most baby

boomers will continue to pay into Social Security long after the traditional age of retirement.

Choice c is true, but it is just one specific fact cited within the passage to support the main idea.


Choice e is also true, but the passage explains why the economists’ fears are unfounded.

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